The Only Image that Matters…
What’s the difference between the pictures on the left and right (do you feel like you are playing a “spot the differences” activity you did as a kid? )?
Want to know the answer? The only difference is…. the mirror !
These pictures were taken seconds apart in front of 2 different mirrors that are in my workout area. I know it’s not a huge difference, but I always like the way I look in the one on the right better than the one on the left (which is of course the bigger mirror that I use most often to check my form ).
Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t take up a lot of headspace in my brain, but it got me thinking about how many different ways our image can be reflected back to us - mirrors, friends and family, our own mindset, pictures…. I’m sure we can come up with others.
What’s the only image that really matters? The one you have in your mind of yourself.
So often I hear women say that they are discouraged because they can’t get back to a certain “pre” wait (pre-baby, pre-menopausal, pre-40, etc). Even when they are experiencing more energy, getting stronger, sleeping better, having fewer PMS or menopausal symptoms, feeling less achy, or any other number of wins as a result of our work together, they are still disappointed because they haven’t lost the requisite number of pounds.
I totally get it. I’m not the same weight I was in my 20’s, 30’s or early 40’s, but who cares? I am not the same person at all. And I don’t want to be. I feel so much better where I am right now.
I wish all women would throw away the goal of chasing skinny and start chasing strong and healthy! That number on the scale gives us some objective information, and we don’t want to completely ignore it, but all it tells us is our relationship with gravity. It doesn’t tell you how strong or healthy you are. It doesn’t tell you how amazing and kind and smart and beautiful you are. You are so much more than that number!
I have a question: would you trade feeling great for being able to reach that “pre” number on the scale again? Most women would say no.
When I dig a little deeper, many women admit that they were following a restrictive diet or really cutting calories or spending a lot of time exercising or feeling exhausted when they were at their lowest adult weight. That’s true for me - I wasn’t eating enough even though I wasn’t intentionally restricting my intake and I was SO damn tired. Why would I want to return to that just to fit into a certain pair of jeans again?!?
If you are ready to:
Feel energized
Move without everything feeling achy
Improve your sleep
Create a healthy relationship with food and learn how much food your body needs to thrive
Be proud that you can see your body get stronger
And kick focusing on your scale to the curb (your measurements over time tell you lots more!)
…then my 6 week virtual nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle program that starts Monday (tomorrow) will be perfect for you!!!
I will teach you the principles of a sustainable healthy lifestyle so that you have them to use forever. No matter what other health concerns you may have, this is the foundation you need for better health.
This is not a start and stop diet… this a framework to live by so that you can feel amazing to do all that you want and deserve to do!
Here’s what it includes:
Personalized nutrition plan - this is the most important piece. Even when women haven’t been able to exercise, they have seen big improvements by focusing on the nutritional approach I teach.
Efficient 30 minute workouts to help you build muscle and burn fat. You can even join me on Zoom at 6:15am weekdays for added accountability and support!
Daily access to me as your coach to offer advice and encouragement (and a kind kick in the butt if you need it!)
Two one on one check in calls with me
Most importantly, it focuses on developing the mindset you need to see yourself with love and pride no matter what mirror you are looking in or what other people say to you. It’s never too late. You’re not too old. You have the time. Focus on on progress over perfection and let’s take this next step together!
I’m here to help you work towards the strongest, most confident, healthiest version of you who feels great! Join me for the next round of the FASTer Way!