Some Helpful Questions to Ask

April is my birthday month and I like to make the most of it! Anyone else with me? This weekend I am going to a meditation retreat at Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge, ON with a friend from elementary school. I have been practicing yoga several mornings a week with a virtual instructor for over 2 years. It’s 30 minutes that I really look forward to. I know it has helped me so much with my flexibility and strength and given me a chance to journal my thoughts and create some relaxation in my morning routine (even if my kids are often arguing while eating breakfast by the time I’m finishing up ).

I’ve never been to a full weekend focused on yoga before though. I’m not too worried because the schedule is flexible and has a mix of mindfulness practices that we can choose to participate in or we can sleep or go for a walk. I love that the description for the weekend says, “Allow this time to be the kindest gift you can ever give yourself, and honour your true needs.”

How often in life have you done things because you felt like you “should” and not because you really wanted to? Sure, sometimes that is necessary… like making dinner for your family when you would rather be relaxing on the couch. But what about the majority of the time? If you find yourself frequently saying yes because you think that’s what other people want or expect from you, then that is a perfect recipe for unhappiness and burnout. I know I was definitely there in the past. I feel like it’s only in the last couple of years that I have become better at saying no more often and tuning in to what I want and need. It can be a tough transition - if you are used to always thinking about others, then it can take some time to even know what it is that you really want.

Here are some questions that I find helpful to ask:

  • What’s something that you loved doing as a kid? Do you still do it? For me that was reading. I LOVED to read fiction. It was my escape from reality (and I also took great satisfaction in keeping track of how many pages I read.). For many years I only read for work, and now I make sure that I spend at last a few minutes reading something I enjoy almost every day.

  • What is something that brings you great peace? How can you bring some of that into your “regular” life? I feel so at peace when I go for a walk with our dog along the lake. Come to think of it, that’s something I haven’t been doing much lately, so I need to schedule that in.

  • Are there certain people whose company uplifts and energizes you? Are you spending time with them? If not, then I encourage you to get in touch with them. If you don’t feel you have many of those people in your life, then it can be helpful to start creating opportunities to meet them - join a book club or a choir or a hiking or running group, depending on your interests. I am in extroverted introvert and I really became aware over COVID of how much I need contact with people. I now make the effort to plan dates ahead with friends. I find large groups of people draining, but I do love spending time with one or a small group of friends.

I’m a little nervous about the yoga retreat, but my hope is that I will come home more relaxed from spending time in quiet and stillness (there isn’t a lot of that in our household!). My challenge for you is to think about something you can do that will really fill your cup. I know you spend so much time taking care of everyone else. You deserve some time dedicated to taking care of you too.

Here’s an idea to pour into yourself later in this month….starting April 15, I will be hosting a 5-Day Belly Blast that will be focused on:

  • Delicious meal plans and recipes to banish bloat, boost fat-burning and bolster gut health

  • Daily, strategic, DOABLE 30-minute or less workouts to strengthen your core

  • Private accountability group with me + BONUS content to accelerate your results.

This is the perfect way to get a taste of the sustainable lifestyle habits that make up the FASTer Way approach that I follow and coach for only $19.99 US!!


The Power of a Good Night’s Sleep


A Different Transformation